School Info

Only a stone’s throw away from the sea…literally!    


Our vision poster is a valuable visual reminder. It is a document that contains words and symbols that reflect who we are and what we believe in. Our vision is to “Expand Horizons”. It is obvious when you are on The Terrace that we have a remarkable horizon with impressive mountains and wide-open spaces that lead to unknown opportunities. It is our intent for our children to embrace any opportunity in life and take the challenge that it offers. The horizon is somewhere we never reach. Learning is the same. It is on-going and never stops.

The 3 concepts, Adventurous Learners, Competent Communicators and Respectful Citizens are our key ideas. We want all our children to aspire to demonstrate these things.

The pictorial aspects of the poster are equally as important. The poster reflects our environment and how we engage with it and its importance to the school.

The birds on the poster are Godwits. These amazing birds are small yet incredible, flying thousands of kilometres each year. The birds gather on the estuary in front of school to feed before leaving on their amazing flight. We want our children to be like the Godwits, and do amazing things!

Reporting to parents

At Clifton School Terrace, parent-teacher interviews are offered twice a year to discuss your child’s progress. You can also meet with teachers anytime throughout the year should you feel the need. For additional support, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting can be arranged.

During Term 3, parents are invited to their child’s classroom to experience how & what they learn. In Term 4, school reports will be sent to parents directly via Seesaw. Let the teacher know if you require multiple copies. These are typically sent home in the final two weeks of the school year.

2024 Term Dates:

Term 1

Wed 14 Feb
Whanau Evening and Meet The Teacher

5:30 – Juniors (Rooms 1, 2)
6:20 – Middles (Rooms 8, 9, 12, 14)
7.10 – Seniors (Rooms 6, 7, 10, 15)

Thurs 15 Feb
Clifton Terrace School Board of Trustees Meeting (5.30pm in the CTS staffroom.)

Fri 16 Feb
Rabbit Island Beach Day

Wed 28 Feb
Home and School Meeting (7pm Staffroom)

Thurs 29
Feb School Tryathlon

Tues 5 Mar
Senior School Swimming Sports

Tues 5 Mar
Home and School Meeting (7pm Staffroom)

Wed 6 Mar
Middle School Swim Sports

Wed 6 Mar
Parent/Teacher Conversations (Day 1)

Thurs 7 Mar
Parent/Teacher Conversations (Day 2)

Tues 12 Mar

Interschool Swimming Sports

Wed 13 Mar
Interschool Swim Sports (Postponement)

Fri 15 Mar
Tea By The Sea Fundraiser

Tues 19 Mar
Seniors to Abel Tasman National Park (Room 6 and 10)

Tues 19 and 20 Mar
Middle School to Museum

Wed 20 Mar
Seniors to Abel Tasman National Park (Rooms 7 and 15)

Fri 29 Mar
Good Friday Observance (School Closed)

Mon 1 Apr
Easter Monday (School Closed)

Tue 2 Apr
Easter Tuesday (School Closed)

Fri 12
Apr End of Term 1.

Term 2

Mon 29 Apr
Term 2 Begins

Tues 7 May
Board of Trustees Meeting 5.30 Staffroom

Wed 1 May
Middle School to Suter Art Gallery

Thurs 2 May
Middle School to Suter Art Gallery

Tues 7 May
Chess Tournament

Wed 8 May
Senior School to Suter Art Gallery

Thurs 9 May Senior School to Suter Art Gallery

Fri 17 May
Home and School Quiz Night

Wed 29 May
School Cross Country

Thurs 30 May
Neurodiversity Workshop 1.30 Staffroom


Mon 3 June
King’s Birthday Observance (School Closed)

Tues 4 – Thurs 6 June
Year 6 Bike Safety

Tues 11 June
Interschool Cross Country

Wed 12 June
Kapa Haka to perform at Citizenship Ceremony (NCC)

Thurs 13 June
Interschool Cross Country (Postponement)

Tues 18 June
Elgrego Show Anti Bullying Theme

Thurs 20 June
Matariki Celebration Evening

Fri 28th June
Matariki Observance (School Closed)


Fri 5 July
Final Day Term 2

Term 3

Fri 26 July
Senior Children to NIS (9.30am)

Mon 29 July
Room 12 to Nelson Gymnastics

Tues 30 July
Home and School Meeting 7pm staffroom.

Wed 31 July
College Music Show Case
Room 9 to Nelson Gymnastics

Mon 5 Aug
Chess Team to Riwaka School

Tues 6 Aug
School Photos

Tues 13 Aug
Senior Ski Trip (Rooms 10 and 15)

Wed 14 – 21 Aug
Senior Ski Trip (Rooms 6 and 7)
Life Education at School

Wed 21 Aug
NCMA Choir Festival

Fri 30 Aug
Daffodil Day Fundraiser

Tues 10 Sep
Hockey Tournament Year 3/4

Thurs 12 Sep
Hockey Tournament Year 3/4 (Postponement)

Tues 17 Sep
Hockey Tournament Year 5/6

Thurs 19 Sep Hockey Tournament Year 5/6 (Postponement)

Fri 20 Sep
Senior School Speech Finals.

Mon 23 Sep
Bob Bickerton Music Performance

Tues 24 Sep
Senior School Winter Sports

Wed 25 Sep
Senior School Winter Sports (Postponement)

Fri 27 Sep
Last Day Term 3


Term 4

Monday 14 October to Fri 20 Dec (12 noon finish)

Board Policies and Procedures

All our policies and procedures are hosted on an online web service. You can access them here

The community user name is: cliftontce

The community password is: expandinghorizons

Copyright: Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd.
It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.

CTS On-Line Library

Letter From The Principal

Nau mai haere mai ki te kura o Clifton Terrace.
Ko Rob Wemyss toku ingoa.
Ko au te tumuaki o te kura o Clifton Terrace.

Welcome to Clifton Terrace.

Clifton Terrace is quite unique. It is situated on a natural terrace in Atawhai looking northwest out to Tasman Bay. It has the hills of Atawhai behind and a wonderful and supportive community surrounding it. It is in a ery special location. It is a school that is both rural and urban.

The school setting is also unique with a variety of different spaces to play and learn. Within the school boundaries, there are well-established trees for all to enjoy.

All our staff at Clifton Terrace are fully committed to providing the very best for children. Currently there are 13 classes occupied ranging from New Entrants to Year 6 children. Each classroom is very well equipped with up-to-date technology and resources for the benefit of children and their learning. We are also very fortunate to have a large, fully equipped hall/gymnasium, and a fabulous library.

Although we are one of Nelson’s oldest schools, we are a kura that ensures that innovative and creative teaching methods are used to establish a forward thinking and positive learning environment.

We offer a rich and holistic curriculum to develop all areas of learning and interest and it is always exciting to see our children learning the wonderful things that they do.

Children are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular programmes which are available to them. These include and are not limited to in-school music lessons with specialist teachers, gymnastics, choir, Kapa Haka, Enviroschools, buddy programmes, school council, dance and drama classes and a variety of weekend sports. Clifton Terrace children traditionally do very well in their sporting endeavours. The school ensures that as many different sporting codes are represented as possible.

We know we have something really special to offer your children and your whanau. If you would like to have a visit and a look around, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office to make a time.

Nga mihi,
Rob Wemyss


At Clifton Terrace, we have a uniform that is compulsory for all levels of the school. During 2023, we updated our uniform. This is available from ProBrands Clothing in Nelson

Our uniform is:

  • CTS red jacket
  • CTS red shirt
  • Navy blue hat (this can be a bucket hat or a wide-brim one)
  • Navy blue shorts
  • Navy blue long polar fleece pants

A navy blue hat must be worn during Terms 1 and 4.


Working together with Kindo, Clifton Terrace School can now bring you a fantastic way to view, and pay for your child’s school needs online.

No cash, no paper, no hassle!  

Shop anytime, anywhere with our Kindo online School shop.
It is our preferred method of payment and we encourage you to set up your account today.
You can: 

  • pay your school fees and donations
  • register and pay for sports teams
  • support fundraisers
  • pay for school lunches

More items will be added to our school shop during the year.

Setting up an account

Setting up an account is easy!
Follow the link below.
Click on the register button and fill in your details and your child’s details.
Choose to pay-as-you-go, or add funds to your Kindo account in advance, using internet banking, account2account or Visa/Mastercard (fees apply).


Contact the school office on (03) 545 0532 or
Contact the Kindo helpdesk on freephone 0508 4 KINDO or email

International Students

We welcome international students at CTS. International students and their families bring a wealth of valuable experiences to our children, families and community and we hope that the experiences we provide will develop a rich understanding of learning in New Zealand whilst being immersed in our culture.

If you would like to enquire about enrolling as an international student, please use this Contact Us link.


You can read our International Student policies at

The community user name is: cliftontce
The community password is: expandinghorizons

Use the search tool to search for International Students whilst on the School Docs website.


We look forward to meeting you soon!